Improving the health of children is one responsibility among many in the fight against poverty. Healthy children become healthy adults: people who create better lives for themselves, their communities and their countries. Improving the health of the world's children is a core UNICEF objective. Since our founding, we have made significant progress in immunization, oral rehydration to save the lives of infants with severe diarrhoea, promoting and protecting breastfeeding, fighting HIV/AIDS, micronutrient supplementation and health education.
UNICEF has an extensive global health presence, and strong partnerships with governments and non-governmental organizations at national and community levels. UNICEF understands the reasons why children are dying. On a daily basis we work to bring practical solutions to the women and children at greatest risk. UNICEF knows what it takes to ensure the survival and health of children and women.
UNICEF approaches all of the threats to child health – and there are many – with extensive experience, efficient logistics and creativity.